Yep your #3 is super important, and something you have to mentally prepare for ahead of the trip, and/or even before stepping out of the room in the morning. I already do a pretty decent number of shots throughout the day on my own, but there are certain people I know *no names*, that get towers of shots on a pretty frequent basis. If there aren't enough people that want all 20 of them, I find myself drinking multiple back to back. Between this and the fact that people seem to be seeking me out to do shots with them "I wanted to introduce you to Steve, he's hilarious, lets do shots!", I've had to put my foot down more on the last trip (Which I was grateful for in the long run).
Same here. Patron, Don Julio or Herradura. Their tequila sucks! I asked for their tequila in ice. Last year I purchase Patron at TTR for about $100dlls and the waitress keep it indoors and serve to us. It worked! Also I purchase a bottle outside and keep it at my room:icon_cool: for those few indoor moments :aktion033: :clappyinghappy::ernaehrung005: