Maybe we will move there and join you bosom buddies. It is election night here in Ontario And big rumours are the Damn Socialists are going to win. God Help Us Will find out who wins in the next hour.
We have had break at Piggies many times. The motel across the street, Lake Harmony I think, we used to stay there before ownership changed. Piggies is a great break. ..aND not too spendy. What say we meet there for a weekend and do a kinda 'Thrill of the Grill". Take turns grilling our favorite BBQ specialI alien. TTR_PA King of the Grill challenge weekend
Maybe invite my old buddy Colangelo (he used to run the Raps) over as well. He prolly could use some cheering Up. Gonna need a good divorce lawyer too, if he ever wants to work in the Association again. Can't believe Barb would do that, but then again I can. She liked to hang around our local track and always looking for an edge on her wagers