Karan, yes you converted me, I think I'm a drunk now, is that because of BBG or was I always like this? Its getting so that I can't even act up at BBG without getting an e-mail from someone about it
Billy, I think BBG just fir you like a glove... And don't worry about those e-mails. Chances are if someone was around while you were doing something...they were there doing it to. I pretty much have my October dates set. I'll let you know just as soon as I am sure. Karan
yes, we took to it like a fish to water(another drinking reference). Its not the e-mails I worry about so much as the people pointing and laughing, I just put that innocent look on my face and shrug my shoulders, like, "who, me?" heehee!! I'm still trying to get there in July but the vacation fund is mightly low. but Oct. sounds like a plan, we're back from Italy on Sept. 14 so should our "cultural" holiday will be over and we'll be ready to get down and dirty at BBG! keep us updated..
I intended to bump this one from time to time but forgot and the last reply was way back -2 years ago way back! I'll make it sticky for a few weeks. Here's the stats from before the bump: Search Engine 34% [ 27 ] Followed the links from cancuncare.com website 15% [ 12 ] A friend told me / emailed me about it 11% [ 9 ] Followed a link from another website 20% [ 16 ] Someone I met at BBG told me 10% [ 8 ] I was here before the BBG board started 7% [ 6 ] Total Votes : 78 How did you find cancuncare.com? Let us know either by voting or by replying or both