In regards to the chairs by the pool the quick fix is get more freaking chairs!!!!! I'm sure if they bought another 100 chairs, probably valued at $30/each. Whats $3000 for a hotel in the grand scheme of things.........I loved being around the Sexy Pool but I was getting so frustrated trying to find a chair I would have sat on the roof if there were longer chairs up there
Everyone should fill out the comment cards they give you when you leave and the face book thread.....If none of us does or says anything about it.....then we can't complain that the issues are not fixed
Oh I totally agree with that also, I think they should go back to that...I was not mad at all when I was asked if i was staying or going, I always left on my own , cuz i knew I wasnt going to participate since I was by myself....I think that was a great Idea and they should have stayed with it....
You get the wrong peep and it is not going to be a fun day I would highly recommend not taking this approach. I saw some people get very angry at others taking chairs. The chair would always be given back but I would hate to see what happens if there was a stand off. Doesnt sound worth it to me so we played the game and stayed up to 4, reserved the chairs, went to bed and then got up between 7 and 8 and put the towels on them, then went to breakfast and returned between 9 and 10. The negative, very tired early in the morn. The positive, makes it very hard to sober up.
ive always wanted to take one of those portable breathlyzers to temptations with me.. just for laughs, see who is the drunkest amongst the group at certain times lol
Singles were allowed in to anything goes years ago... The week we were there in 2003 I had to "borrow" a wig from a women who was single after I lost the last of my clothes. Only reasonI "borrowed it"- she was the daughter of a friend of ours who I've known since she was born. She threw the wig out after the event.... oh- it was halloween nite also.
Its my one BBG/Temptations regret is that I never got to play Anything goes. Every time it seemed I got there just late enough that the curtain was closed and I'd missed it again.
Theres been a few times I was going to go in , then changed my i do kinda wish i tried it once
I've seen some nasty confrontations from simply "chucking it". I know I'd be much less than pleased. Jamie