I'm stumped on this one. Since we haven't been there before, we're up for suggestions. Sounds good to us!! We can celebrate as many hours of the 31st as possible :icon_biggrin: LOL! You're going to have a lot of convincing to do with shots for Vince. He's definately a beer guy. I'd be more than happy to help encourage the fun, though :icon_wink:. e
Beer is fine! I'm sure we could have fun concocting some potent cocktails which would do the trick nicely. We've got about 6 weeks until we drink so we'll have to get our heads together and start making bday plans soon. As for the 31st... we'll have to down as much as we can before you leave! Send you off in style or in a state! Really looking forward.
Sounds like a plan! Now...on to the details. Aside from being at TTR, how can we make this birthday different??? Anyone have ideas that have been there before?