When we see a hot tub full of sexy naked people we get excited but then we think....ass stew....and it kind of dampens the excitement a little. A friend of ours called it that some years ago and it has stuck like glue. We had a big corner Jacuzzi bath tub and sometimes when we filled it up and turned on the jets, what came out of the lines was not pretty. We would pour bleach in it, let it run for awhile, drain and rinse it and then refill it. By that time the mood was gone.
We've had a hot tub for about 15 years........oh the stories that thing could tell. You have to maintain it........clean the filters ......wash/scrub the full water line......keep the chemicals balanced, and depending on the amount of use........change the water 4-6 times a year! Yes body "stuff" gets in the water...........but it'll be sanitized body "stuff". Face it..........if you've been swimming in a body of water you've been swimming in some level of body "stuff".
I never heard calling a hot tub an "ass-stew" but I'm not a fan of community Hot tubs either so it works for me! Our big 8' x 8' on our patio is big and clean and wonderful. We call it the "soak & poke"
I get public hot tubs may not be the very cleanest places at your resort of choice...........but at home hot tubs are often some of the worst. People are just lazy and don't do proper maintenance. If their house and yard is a mess........ you can bet their hot tub is as well. We maintain ours properly.........and "shock" it hard after every group event. We have an ozone generator in ours which helps big time!
Admittedly your big tub called "Soak & Poke" is somewhat more appealling than "ass-stew", but the post about some material in every body of water is correct. Why not call your's "Suds & Puds" of "Fizz & Jizz?" LOL
Wait...thats where they do the FOAM PARTY...sooo much fun!!! TTR APRIL 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 NOV 8TH -19TH 2015