Wheels up in 24hours, can't wait to see some familiar faces and make new friends. Just gotta survive one more day of work, Ali's at home doing laundry and cleaning the house for the cat sitter. I think I got the better part of the deal
Dammit, I have 3 more reports that I have to finish and upload today along with a bunch of last minute trip stuff errands and my head is just not here. I've got to find my focus.
So I guess I better say this now, cause all Hotties and Hellrasiers are getting pumped up for your near future departures, and all the blood is draining from your brains headed down south. But I hope everyone has a great time (pretty sure that is a given), be safe, don't do anything I wouldn't do, can't wait to her some stories, and feel free to send me any pictures privately you think I need to see! (I got some messages from Sept people when they got back "Steve what's your phone #, you need to see this picture). Have a vacation and a Great Halloween!!!!!!!
I've been an addict and a phucker but first time as a hellraisin' hottie :huepfen021: Yeah, I'm STILL trying to figure mine out, LOL. Count me in for both please! :ernaehrung024: Seriously? Can I show up there if it rains?
Hi friends (and hopefully soon to be new friends)! :wave: Just booked a last minute trip from oct 31 to nov 2. Third trip but first Halloween at TTR so hopefully you veterans can show me a thing or two! Just look for the Asian girl with purple hair, there can't be more than one of us at TTR, right??! :mnm: :aetsch004: artyhorn: -Kate
Congrats, and welcome to the group Amazing you got a room , resort has been Sold out for over a month