How do you get to pack your shoes? I have to take mine in my carry-on bag and I'm lucky to even get to put any clothes in the suit cases. But to be honest, as long as she looks good I'm happy wearing a towel.
I think I am happier than Judy looking at the mailbox everyday. Feels more like Christmas than Halloween.
And we are still waiting on Malibu Strings and Tangaland. The 2 most important orders of all. Every time I see the mailman, FedEx or UPS I get all excited and then.....nothing. Hurry up dammit.
Wake up HnH people!!!! Just did a fireball shot, another one in 10 min then hitting the bars with buddies. Aprils in bed reading a book as she has to work early but tomorrow night she joins us!!
Blondie's Tangaland order came today and her bottoms are hot hot hot! Now we just need her Malibu Strings order and we are all set.