HnH shirts and shorts just arrived, and the liver is in training.... Lets get this party started!!!!!:bootyshake::cheerleaders: :ernaehrung005:
We were too busy, last weekend, with liver training to be able, I mean, to have time to post anything on here. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Hey all just found this forum me and the hubby are booked for October 23-29 first timers and wondering about the themed night outfits men's too and the if the boob cruise is worth it thanks so much!
The Boobs Cruise is an absolute must, but you better hurry if you want to book it on your dates as it's filling up fast. The theme list is back just a couple of pages. For the lingerie night men can't get into nice shoes unless they are wearing lingerie. i.e. Boxers, or a thong, but honestly leave the thongs for the ladies! LOL!
Double dees are back So we're coming for our fourth trip.. Have never come for Halloween.. Ready to party.