I'm excited, tonight we sit down and inventory what we have and figure out what we still need (or want) to procure and get it done. The only thing left will be booking the Boobs Cruises. Oh, and Blondie may have to do a little sewing. I'll keep her supplied with refreshments.
A View to Kill, James Bond, '85 Not looking for an early release of the movie, just a few trailers/teasers of the "Coming Attractions" lol :aktion033: Jim
What's with the Black 49er uniforms. Is this a copycat off the Buccaneers who are copycat off the Falcons who copycat off the Steelers who ALL copycatted off the Raiders? Soon all the teams will be wearing black! C'mon everybody wants to be the Raiders! The Original Men In Black! Just Win Baby! In the mean time I'll root for the Cowboys! What happens if Skins, Eagles and Giants all lose their first game? Oh yeah. Cowboys first place already. I love Football Season! Oh I forgot the Copycat Panthers and copycat Saints. If theres more Raider wanna be copycat teams, be sure to remind me! I forgot even the EAGLES have black uniforms. Good grief bunch of fakers
What is the goin price for a pirate these days? Hope it is not one of those Somali ones, who take over and think they are gonna be the Captain!
I don't know what to say Jim, I hate the black uniforms. A friend was at the game and she said she couldn't even see the numbers because of the lack of contrast. I guess it's another marketing scam. Isn't everything these days?