Kinda nervous and excited that the airbrush stuff arrives tomorrow. Can n knock out the ABC night and Halloween stuff with it. Just nervous that it may not make it through customs.
You just described Lola! And Enrique is her secret Latin lover!!! I agree, she and Vanessa are going to have a ball!! Cecelia a.k.a Lola
Okay, just moved our dates so we can be on the Oct 30 Boobs Cruise!!! Staying in some whatever hotel the 29th right down the street, LOL. The things u do for boobs! Oct 29-Nov6!!!! Cecelia a.k.a Lola
40 days until our trip, it's getting to the point where I'm starting to accept that I may not have an outfit for every night but it doesn't matter, people will still talk to me.... right? lol, dunnoi why I'm stressing about it so much this trip.
I will. We only do carry on, so not much suitcase room. So I'm thinking lingerie, and white night will be our only participation. Plus we are newbies, and got no idea what to expect or pack.