Kudos to Ajay They worked really hard on them and we think it is an awesome image for HnH. Possibly iconic. Well worth all their efforts
Just drained the last of the FB bottle. Anyone got big plans for this 'end of summer' holiday long weekend? We have 3 very different parties to attend. One is a barn party with a country rock band and about 300 ppl, just 3 neighbours over from us. On Monday its a dock party up at the cottage. Everyone on lake unhooks their dock and throws on an outboard motor and join up in the middle of the lake.
Dear Hotties & Hellraisers; Spicy has been too busy getting ready for my SexTempter trip but I promise sometime in Oct. I will catch up and join in on all the shenanigans!! In the meantime, Steve/Janett, please list me Oct 27 to Nov 4. thanks!