Hmm. Google maps says Bend is a mere 4 hour flight for us (It's 2 hours, but there is zero in terms of direct flights from here to there). That's doable... Keep us posted on the search for local "hot spots". :wink3:
Let's have a 'Cocktails and Carpaccio" Party at Sunset. Pile into someone's giant party suite and order plates of carpaccio from the Italian during cocktail hour. You only get in, if you wearing something with HnH on it. I am joking of course
Maybe we could just incorportae this into one of the 'room parties' we already have planned? :aktion033: Lol.
After a few days of Halloween week you will find out why I was joking. But put it this way most plans are futile.
My rock/porn star costume came in it! 69 of our favorite numbers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk