Cheryl also get really seasick but she was told this little trick which seems to work for her everytime. Maybe it will work for Laura as well. If you guys decide to take the cruise, see us and we will hook you up.
My Dr. prescribes me a patch that I place behind my ear, it's the size of a nickel, flesh color. One patch is good for 3days. I always bring extras in case someone needs one. Saved a few people on the boat from having a miserable trip. I can bring a couple for you if you would like.....Blondie
Really? That would be fantastic. We've heard how much fun the cruise can be and have be tempted but I suffer so bad with any sort of motion sicknesw i didn't wanna risk throwing up the whole trip! I'd really appreciate that Blondie! Thank you hunny x Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
I was right she chickened out..stage fright. A couple of our friends took 2nd and 3rd so that was fun to watch.