I feel bad for all my Neanderthal Brothers with all the patches of matted black hair in all the wrong places. :wink3: Loli is happy I have evolved sufficiently to where there is no butt or back hair on me. I wish I didn't have to keep shaving the ballzoid area. Those little nicks and cuts kind of sting
I was in a hurry to go to a party and hit my Nether Region with an electric razor when SNAG SHRED CUT man it looked like I was having a man period or something. I need to put this on the Travel Tip Thread... Never Ever hurry when taking care of the Down Under
Thanks for sharing Man this thread is running off the rails. we need some hottie images soon or at least an estrogen injection
Sheesh you guys I miss two days of the forums and this thread explodes! It's like we all can't wait to get there or something... As for the Island of Misfit Toys idea (a future theme night perhaps??) I would take on a poor old bendy Pokey doll - with one leg torn off. Yup, three-legged Pokey, that's me!:aktion054: I'm totally in for the Fireball sampling. Had a Fireball jelloshot last weekend, courtesy of a many time TTR attendee (who I would name, but I have no idea what her handle is on the forums) - yummy! Bare-assed around the pool? Not quite as excited, but certainly wouldn't say "no" flat out. We'll see which way the wind blows as they say...
100 more days for us! Double digits here we come. I now believe I go to work to have money to go to TTR.
Isn't it great? I too am am one of lucky whose only real hair growth on the back of his front is on the legs and that is light to moderate. As for the unfortunate electric incident, that is why I use a blade, a newer one at that, and done with great care.
It happens every year around this time on the annual HnH thread. Considering we are a one week bunch, as opposed to the monthy groups, we have an incredibly lively CCC cult. But this year the posting is on record pace. Obviously the anticipation is massive.
I feel honoured me and my wife will be part of such a fun-tastic group! 98 days and counting... Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
If I counted right our 99 days 2 go is not until July 20th if we r arriving on Oct 27th. Unless the FIREBALL I was drinking took over my mind.
Interesting Butt Facts Seemed apropos: Pygophilia is the scientific name for sexual arousal caused by butts, and is derived from the ancient Greek word for the posterior of an animal an ‘philia,’ one of the ancient Greek words for love. To be ‘callipygian’ is to have a well-shaped butt. On the other end of the attraction spectrum, to be ‘dasypygal’ is to have a hairy butt.