Trying to finalize costume plans...what time will the costume party start and how long do people stay in costume? (Dangerous question? :musik026
Usually around 9:00. The party is at the sports pool. Then most move into paty-0. We stayed in our costume all night. So excited !!
We change into costumes after dinner and always stay in costume all night. Generally too drunk, on Halloween night, to go and change. When I make it back to room....I ain't coming back out. The contest/show starts about 9. I hope it is moved back to PatyOs this year. We don't like it at sports pool
we were at 12 people coming and 2 more just booked a couple days ago who are also getting married down there...14 total (12 coming from Minneapolis and Bob and Angie from Colorado)...oh I forgot Bob and Angie have 2 of there friends from Florida coming also...I have a feeling this trip is going to be bonkers especially with 8 newbies
Question for you Will Are cinnamon sticks 'one and done' items, or can you reuse it on another bottle of same brand. I think I will do CC again....but I am pr3sently infusing 40 creek. Wondring if I should save stick