The other half of the duo with Weekender. Are there any non-no's at TTR in terms of Halloween costumes?
I've seen everything from a full movie quality Star Wars Chewbacca costume (still have no idea how he got that through customs LOL!) to body paint to just censored signs somewhat covering a couples private area. So what I'm saying is there are no rules other than be creative and have a great time! Just remember...NOBODY KNOWS YOU AND NOBODY GIVES A SHIT!!!
You'll have a blast! It looks like we're going to have a fun group there this year! Look forward to meeting you...
That was Billy and he told us that he shipped that costume from Canada! He dressed up as Chinos last year! Jeff and I have a great costume for us! Can't wait to see everyone ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Angela
Try looking on yandy and maybe something will jump out at you. We always try to pick a costume that is easy to pack. This year will be mostly paint and cool colored eye contacts. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Angela