I got your pm GandB But I have too many messages to weed out and not coherently able to respond and box is full. I will pm you back by noon. Cuz I have some thoughts/ questions.....but the main thing is Do U want to bring it or is it a lot of extra bullshit problems
YIKES! This is somewhat pertinent to the Halloween costume Ms SkiBum was sporting a couple of years ago, referred to in another post. Her nickname that night was LumberJackie. Now, replace that Stihl with a Sawzall and we're talking.
And I always thought chainsaws were a tool for getting wood But I look at that thing and it is useless for getting wood
We are still considered newbies with this just being our second trip, so you set things up, we bring the machine.... We will bring condoms and lube and the hotel can supply towels. Lets make this a rock hard sexy night....B