Booked Hey Gang, We are officially booked for the Grand Oasis Sens for trip 11, (ok, I guess this now needs to be called trip 1) from October 23rd - November 1st. :mnm: Will also post on the GOS forum! Paul & Lisa
That would be nice, cant see all of them making it. T is in Australia and has just had a baby, Paloma is in London and about to have a baby. Chinos doesn't like going to the hotel because of the attention he gets, might be able to convince him though. Sara, Omar and Lalo would probably be up for it. Mario, I am sure will be there. Would be nice if Enrique was there too, I think he will be.
This is the face of a guy and girl freezing their asses off at an outdoor concert but still warmed up by fireball shots Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
It's in the freezer at home but we aren't there! Can't wait for the cheers together!!!! New friends with I hope better voices! #upthehill.