hotel questions

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by vacbound07, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. Naoautorizada

    Naoautorizada Addict Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    Steve, note that you were the only one to disagree with my statement about this board being heavily pre-dispositioned in favor of BBG - certainly over and above any other lodging alternatives. Given that as evidence, how untrue or unfair might that characterization really be?

    Meaningless. TA is crap (not to mention way behind) when it comes to that kind of evaluation and everybody that been anywhere in Cancun knows it.

    Why in God's name would I want to do that. I have no economic interest in doing such a thing. Now you on the other hand - I can see why someone who doesn't tow the party line here would make you nervous.

    Oh I do. It's precisely how things have come to be as they are.

    And that's too bad, because there are a lot of very redeeming features about this place that unfortunately become rapidly overshadowed (and overcome) by the predominance of the BBG culture here.

    To those that frequent BBG, let me make note that this ambivalence is directed neither at you, and neither at BBG. Your'e a very friendly crowd and a critical part of what makes this place what it is. That being said - many BBG'ers don't make it away from their hotel outside of planned gatherings with other BBG'ers, so you wouldn't be first on my list to ask what hotel to stay in to pick up single chicks in Cancun.[/quote]
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    No, I was the only one to post my disgareement, big difference. Most people tend to avoid conflict. You, on the other hand, appear to revel in it.

    So, we should ignore the averaged views of around 1000 people who have actually been to each resort in question. Yet listen to your view who, as far as I know, has never been to either BBG or GCP?

    I don't know. You suggested you might not me.

    For a second and final time there is no party line. Either post facts to the contrary or quit misleading by suggesting that you know something others dont.

    You've been here just 4 months of our over 4 years existence and you've noticed how things have "come to be as they are". Tell me, what changes have you noticed in those 120 days?

    How many times do I have to say it. The board as a whole has 4 major forums, all of which are separate. One of which deals with BBG and contains roughly a quarter of the total threads. How many threads in this forum (Cancun Info) are about or even mention the BBG?

    I do not have the time nor inclination to get into pissing matches with people, especially ones who seem to thrive on controversy as you appear to do. I have very low tolerance of people who like to stir things up. All I ask is that users write their posts based on experience and first hand knowledge, something you haven't done more than once in this thread. Call that a party line if you like.
  3. Buffett

    Buffett Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well guys. I have been to both BBG and GPS and I loved both of them. As I have said before, there are goods and bads to both of them.
    Activities: BBG
    Food: GPS
    Rooms: about the same
    Friendlyness of staff: GPS
    Alcohol: GPS
    Beach: GPS
    General Hotel looks: BBG
    Location: about the same
    Pools: BBG

    I probably lean a little more to GPS but as I said eariler I loved and had fun at both.
    I have met lots of cool people on this website and all my questions were answered fairly no matter which hotel I asked the questions about.
  4. Naoautorizada

    Naoautorizada Addict Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    Your actions would say otherwise - and quite definitively.

    As I should take such great care of your 'tolerance'?
    I want and need nothing from you Steve, I've asked nothing from you and to think that I would withold what I recogize as fact to gain your favor is nothing short of perposterous.
    As you have always been able to remove me from the membership list at any time - you still can.

    I know as an English lad you wouldn't recognize or appreciate the motto of the State of New Hampshire, taken from a speech by Patrick Henry directly prior to the American Revolution, but I and many of my ilk will continue to prefer to "Live free or die" rather than be over concerned about your (apparently very British) sensibilities. You will see no towing (or toe-ing) of your party's line, nor anyone's party line from here.
  5. B & B

    B & B Guru Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    What an unfair and completely inaccurate post.

    It is my opinion that Karan goes out of her way to be unbiased and in fact I sometime think that she bends the other way and gives offenders the benefit of the doubt and will chastise anyone that bashes a "BBG basher".

    This post that you made is groundless and unwarranted. The original poster was looking for recommendations for a single person in his 40's to meet other singles. He is no longer a "springbreaker" so a springbreak response doesn't warrant a reply.

    For you to groundlessly attack a BBG recommendation because this is a "BBG" board is nonsense.

    My wife and I have been to the BBG 3 times, each time we went alone and met great people, "singles" and couples. People that we have remained in contact with via e-mail. I hardly think that not knowing someone before you arrive makes you cliquish, in fact to be categorized as such is offensive.

    As Steve has pointed out in subsequent posts you have only been around for 4 months and this being the case you have missed out on some of the issues Steve himself has had with the BBG and for which Steve could have easily distanced himself from and anyone on this board would have understood and supported him.

    Reading other posts you have put up I would have to guess that you are a self styled intellect who gets off on posting pseudo-intelligent comments regarding almost any topic, that when taken in context become an ambivalent response to the original post.

    So you are from New Hampshire and you believe in Live free or Die. I thought that was a redneck response to the governments proposal to have some decent gun legislation in the US which could prevent other Virginia/Columbine massacres.

    Instead of trying to stir the pot, why don't you just partake in the good information and discourse that is available through all of the forums. If the limits of this board is an impediment to what you are looking for why don't you go elsewhere.

    Relax and enjoy the sounds of the waves hitting the beach, the beautiful weather and waking up to hear the birds.
  6. Naoautorizada

    Naoautorizada Addict Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    That's pretty much the kind of reponse I'd expect to hear at least once here and serves to validate my perceptions quite adequately.

    And the fact that you didnt' say anything until Steve did (twice!) is also quite telling.

    'Nuff said?
  7. amers

    amers Guest

    +0 / 0
    Not that I want to get in a big fight here, I just wanted to say something. When I discovered this board (after Wilma I think) I have gotten numerous information that I needed about things to do, places to stay, etc. I know there is a specific board about BBG, but I have never felt or read anything on the general Cancun info that implied that you had to stay there or that it is the best. I think this forum is great, and I always read what is on it just to see what is going on or see if there is new information out there. That said, when it comes to hotels, I either ask a question here, do researh with Trip Advisors, travel agents, anything I can find online that has information that people post, and then decide on what I want.

    I just kind of wanted to say that I think this website and the Cancun Formum is great, and I think it is unbiased. It is just a nice place to see what is going on and get information, and that is that. Cancun is a great place to vacation at, and it has been fun for me to get more information about it off of this board.
  8. B & B

    B & B Guru Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The Hub of the Niagara Pennisula, Ontario
    +1 / 0
    Yea OK whatever :roll: throw enough crap against a wall and some of it will stick. Your response is similar to the crap that people spew when someone makes an accurate statement against a minortiy.

    For example:

    Statement: "Homosexuals have a higher incidence of AIDS"
    Your response: "Your a homophobe"

    Insult a group of people, someone pipes up and you say "That is what I expected you to say"

    Oh and your condescending reply" The fact that you didn't respond until Steve did (twice) is also quite telling" Good one buddy, Steve responded over a 4 hour time frame from a different time zone and did not leave much time for people to pipe up.

    (Actually Mr. Know-it-all, if you want to be accurate, a grandstander and a moral "I told you so" type of person) Steve responded three times.

    Nuff said, who is Nuff?
  9. Naoautorizada

    Naoautorizada Addict Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    Why doesn't it surprise me that you don't know.
  10. B & B

    B & B Guru Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Because you can't tell the difference between someone who is ignorant and someone who is being facetious.
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