On a good thme night with participation there isn't a better party vibe to be found has been my experience! My personal favorites are WDSN and Naughty Schoolgirl Nights, but Any theme night can be great time if the participation is up. lingerie night especially so, if the girls are actually out in lingerie, b/c then the guys join ghe fun, too. Makes for a great time.
We don't ever leave at night. All day in The Sexy Pool until 6-7:00 range. Once we get to Paty O's its on until whenever and the sports pool is always open for more fun. We got away with more in it in 2013 than we did last summer. Lol
Am I going to stick out like a sore thumb dressed in khaki shorts and a T-shirt at, Paty Os? Lol. 1st time visiting and Ive seen a ton of people talking about outfits that they have bought. Just trying to a handle on what to except as I randomly booked this hotel yesterday. Sounds like a good choice. I went to Kauai 2 weeks ago solo and had a blast there and it was all couples. I was literally the one of a handful of singles. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
In our experience, the best nightlife in Cancun is found at Temptation. Prior to discovering Temptation, we stayed at several different all-inclusives in Cancun. The eating, drinking, and sunning made for nice days, but the nights were booooring, so if we wanted to find fun after dinner, we had to leave the resort and take a cab or bus to go clubbing. That provided solid PG-13-rated entertainment, but it added hassle and expense. Now that we've discovered Temptation, we never leave the place at night. Nowhere else in town is as sexy or fun, plus it's already right there and already paid for. So yeah. The nighttime fun is why we keep returning. That and the daytime fun.
Everyone's usually in bed around 8.30 pm with slippers and cocoa . The place is like a morgue after 9pm . Everyone has to get up at 6am for roll call then it's bible study after the traditional gruel for breakfast .
And don't forget all the daytime activities ..... Basket weaving , needle point , knitting , Popsicle stick structure building .