so as some of you may know i used to be on here allllll the time when i went to cancun 3 years straight, but i havent gone in 2 years now and i wanna know what i missed in cancun the past 2 years. are there any new clubs? new hot spots? the beach still holding up well? my last memories of last cancun was shaking hands with collegeguy and alan from the real cancun lol good times. thanks alll
RU able to sign in using your original username? Would be good in case you want to "pad yer stats", not to really shouldn't have two accounts here.
Well fat tuesdays closed and so did la boom!! There are a few new smaller places, but not anything as far as large clubs.........unless you want to count "The City", which you may or may not have visited!!?? Cancun is doing it big this get down there!
it wouldnt let me log into my old one it said it was innactive so i made a new one with the same name. thats sad about fat tuesdays i remeber hearing about that. how is the new and improed senor frogs. it opened for the 1st time since wilma on the day we left and it was so packed that night that we just went to daddyos.
well thats good to know cuz i loved that place so much as does ere the crowds last year? up from years past?
well if you go from the hotel zone to downtown, you can see a sign on the right side of the road saying "fat tuesday". it's right next to the pirate ships. i have passed by there several times but never checked it out.
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