We all here about Coco Bongo, Daddy-O etc but from what I can tell most of them play spanish, rock, techno music etc. Which clubs play hip-hop/R&B/Regee music so we can really grind out there on the dance floor?
daddy o's, The city, coco bongo, basic, they ALL play american music like hip hop and rap, thats their main music. They throw in other fun songs to get the crowd hyped, but thats the main music!
This should be a pic of me. If it doesnt show up how do I get the authority to use HTML and post pics. Also how can i upload a pic of myself on the side bar? Will be at the oasis cancun march 13-18. Any tips for a new cancun spring breaker? I want to hit the ground running. I plan to talk to the hotel and the student city folk to see if buying one of those wristbands for the clubs makes since. Then I plan to get me a drink or 2, eat, and start trying to meet women and see what the oasis has to offer.[/img]
Thanks alot. I thought they didnt play hiphop that much. How are the nights there in general? are different clubs better than others on certain nights during spring break and do they play different music / have different themes on various nights?
the clubs have HUGE banners outside telling you whats going on, especially when mtv films march 8-14, each night they are at a different club and celebs and stuff, it gets nuts!!!!!!!!!
if you go to photobucket.com and upload the picture you want, you can then use the bottom link of your picture the img one and just copy and paste that link. its the easiest way to do it
do you know where i can get a schedule of MTV's daily events? also is Maxim at Oasis and if so do you have any details on that.
You may wanna check our our threads that list the events announced so far. But Student City has a listing of the MTV gigs. And no worries they play R&B, HipHop and such at most clubs..
laboom used to have a hip hop room. nearly all clubs play some for of hip hop, especially the city and senor frogs, also congo bar too
Hay man, just listen to whats going on at the oasis ... will give you a pretty good indication of whats going to be big that night! tim