Highlights of SB 2007? What were yours?

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Madd Dougg, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. trigger2002

    trigger2002 Guest

    +0 / 0
    and tong po :shock:
  2. Ian

    Ian Guest

    +0 / 0

    Sitting in my seat on the plane for 13.5 hours and pissing the kid off in front of me who wanted to recline his seat ( you want extra room, f*ck off to first class and pay the upgrade you tight b*astard ) whilst going thru six bottles of Champagne, approx 40 vodka minitures and two bottles of Bacardi with the three Northern Irish Lads sat next to me.

    The day spent drinking with Dennis downtown after the bus journey round 'hellsville' whilst wearing my invisable hat that read ' I'm English, offer me drugs ' apparently every Mexican in the southern hemisphere could see apart from me.... :roll: :roll: Still gutted I didnt make it out that night mate, sorry :oops:

    Enjoying the break from work, warm weather and just all out chilling.

    The slices meeting, a chance to meet peeps who i'd been corresponding with in various formats for a couple of years now..

    A Canadian bloke at the BBG telling me stories of Polar bears attacking people in his home town cos they couldnt get home to the ice pack melting due to global warming... shouldnt laugh but after all day on the vodka, then all night on it at 4am in the morning after destroying the vodka reserves of the minimart next to the BBG this was truelly a f*cking hillarious story. :lol:

    Trip down to the Oasis with Steve on the bus, seeing the ocean on that side of Cancun ( ourstanding, never seen the sea so clear and blue in my life.....top memory doesnt quite beat the sunset at Mambo whilst overlooking Ibiza bay but well up there among them )

    The look on Jasons face when he came walking to the lobby bar at the Oasis, saw Steve, looked at me ( must have assumed who I was ) and started mouthing ' Oh my god, oh my god ' with a slight worried look on his face... funny, nothing to fear, decent bloke and look forward to drinking again with you .

    Andrew getting the tequilla shots in at the above bar, Steve telling him they only pay $5 for a $45 gallon drum of the stuff and then prtetending to neck it whilst putting it back on the counter... Sorry mate, I hate tequilla and if I'd have had that I'd have redecorated the bar in an interesting new shade called ' hint of Ians stomach lining ' :chuck:

    Enjoyed it all........

    Ian :lol:
  3. EngineerGuy

    EngineerGuy I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    I did say..... "oh my god" when I saw you and recognized who you were! But............ nevertheless, it was certainly one of the highlights of my trip drinking with you all. I must say, ian was exactly what I imagined him to be!! Fun guy and we will drink again my friend some day soon!!
  4. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Get out Ian! You met a Canadian who has polar bears in their home town! :shock:
  5. Ian

    Ian Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yeah straight up, I think he said he was from Winchester or somewhere, he, a bloke from Scarborough ( English ) and a bird from Pitsburg ( we were all at the BBG on our own ) sort of hung out together most of the time and it was he who was telling us about this, He was funny as f*ck but also very serious and from what I can remember they were attacking people on there way home from the pubs at night for food ( the polar bears doing the attacking, not pissed up Canadians who cant afford a Pizza on the way home attacking polar bears whilst thinking ' that'll look good on by George Foreman grill when I get home :lol: ) 'cos they couldnt get on the ice packs to reach the fish stocks or seal colonies or what ever your average non canadian chomping polar bears likes for tea.

    Ian :lol: :lol:
  6. EngineerGuy

    EngineerGuy I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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  7. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ha ha oh crap! That is a first..Seeee it's stories like that that make the world think we have polar bears everywhere! ha ha

    Only one I have seen is in th e ZOO!!

    Would have loved to have met someone like that ha ha
  8. Ian

    Ian Guest

    +0 / 0

    Mexican alcohol.

    This is seriously a big issue and this been my third trip I should have been ready but has it gone down hill since I was last there in 2005 :?: :?: The beer never seemed cold, bottles of Sol or Corona just tasted flat, weak, no bite to them at all, all the time and the house vodka at the hotel I was staying at... well, lets not go there... :evil: I did manage to have some truely monumental nights on it but (and people who know me both here in the UK and abroad know I like a decent drink ) but I feel it tapered my enjoyment of the trip.

    Not eating all my Sunday dinner at Steve's. :oops: :oops: . Now this seems like a bit of a contradiction in terms considering my comments above but when I was invited to Steve and Jannets ( who had made a traditional British Sunday roast, beef, roast potatoes and all ) I could hardly eat due to a ' monumental night before ' and hereby appologise .

    Due to above mentioned events not staying out passed 10pm ( may have been earlier :-| ) for the CC meet up on the 18th ( did get to meet Trigger and Riki though... you two crack me up, you no disrespect but you look like a couple of cheeky school boys :lol: :lol: :lol: , PS, Remember that blonde bird who though she looked the dogs bollocks going up the escalator out side Carlos and Charlies and the wind blew her skirt up.... :lol: :lol:

    Not losing the 42 lbs I've put on since I was last in Cancun. Nuff said. Had other things to contend with. Am on the way to shedding it already.

    Watching Steve put tomatoe ketchup on his Sunday dinner..... Neanderthal :lol: :lol:

    Not having two weeks out there ( or at least 10 days ) . I was quite happy to travel the 5,000 miles or so, endure the week in the sun, time change and all and even blag it to friends and familly who before and after y trip all said ' You went all that way for a week :?: that it was all worth it but next time it will be for longer, it went too fast and although came back ' refreshed ' would have killed for just few more days sat round the pool in the sun, followed by a night out in the hotel zone :lol:

    Unless something catastrohic happens between now and next March I will be there.

    Nuff said.

    Ian :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  9. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    You didn't eat your Sunday dinner....tut tut...

    And Ketchup??? eeek :shock:
  10. ACBUD420

    ACBUD420 Guest

    +0 / 0

    wait just a second here.. you never took it!?!!?!!?!?
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