Hello Everyone! I am new here and will be a first time visitor to Temptations on Sept 24-29th. We are really looking forward to our vacation, sun, sand and tequila...can't go wrong with that combo. I will probably have a ton of questions so plese be patient with me. :bounce: My name is Lori and my husbands name is Andy we are both in our mid 30's and we have been to Cozumel, and Costa Maya but never to Cancun. We are looking forward to 5 days with no kids and adult fun!! Do you know when a new Sticky will be posted with Roll Call for Sept 2008?
Welcome to the board and welcome to Temptation. We went in September of 2006 and I think the sticky went up a couple of months before but am not positive. Steve would be the best one to ask about that. Also if you have a picture that you want to post as an avatar then email it to Steve and he will help you out with that also. Have a great time in September.
thanks for the quick responses! I hope to meet some repeat Temptation-ers while in Cancun! Most of my questions are mostly about "what should I wear??!?!" LOL. I have been doing some shopping on Ebay! I did see that most folks have a seperate set of clothing for the resort I am down with that lol! One question I have is about the drug stores in Mexico... can you get about anything there? I am looking for Retin A mostly...but hubby might have other ideas!!!
Welcome Lori & Andy..Hope you two have a great time. As far as clothes to wear while at Temptations... I think you would get a better answer from the beautiful ladies of Temptations... ...
I did a ton of shopping on ebay for this trip. Just little sexy dresses and such that I would not wear anywhere but the resort. It is a great place to let loose and be as sexy as you want ... or just wear shorts and tops and be as relaxed as you want. If you want I could send you some pictures of the outfits that I have bought.
As for meds, you can get Retin A and most of your more commonly prescribed meds over the counter in Mexico. You won't be able to get things like "narcotics" over the counter, you would still need a prescription for that. Keep in mind that in Mexico, each drug will have a different name than it does in Canada or the US. Many of them you can figure out, but if you can't, just ask the parmacist and they can tell you what the equivelaent drug is called in Mexico or if they are not sure, they can look it up for you. Most shops have the book up by the cash register. Also, be aware that in Mexico, the drugs will have a different filler than the US or Canada requires......so if your looking to buy something like heart meds, I'd stear clear. But for your run of the mill stuff like antibiotics, birth control pills, anti-depressants, etc...you most likely won't notice or feel any difference at all. Please be very careful with the amounts that you attempt to bring back home. Do NOT bring back enough for someone to be able to successfully claim that you are importing drugs for resale.....stick with a personal use amount. Also, if you are currently being prescribed a sleep aid like Lunesta or Ambien and you want to get some if you find it to be cheaper in Mexico......bring your pill box from home with you so as not to raise eyebrows. (sleep aids are being used at ALARMING rates as date rape drugs now) As far as clothes go, wear whatever makes you feel good. It sounds like you are on the right track already.....keep in mind that you look as great as you feel!!! So if you got it, flaunt it....and if you don't....fake it til ya make it!!! Have fun and thanks for the introduction. I'm sure you will have found a whole host of friends here before you leave for Temptations. Michelle