Last year's springbreak was the best time I ever had in my LIFE! Can't wait to be down there again! When is the official peak week next year? Will MTV be done there again? P.S ..WOOHHOOOOOO!!!! Cancun SB 08!!!!!!!!
hey man ... apparently peak week next year is the 9th till the 15th ... second week in ... should be crazy! tim
tim hit the nail on the head, its usually the 2nd week of march, havent heard anything about mtv being down there yet, and when.....stay tuned
My sources told me MTV will be in Acapluco and MtvU will be in panama city filming this year. Regardless, MTV doesnt make cancun anyways...........I only made it to 1 filming last year anyways, sucked!! Long wait for nothing really, Id rather drink at the hotel!
The MTV events are too structured due to it being a tv show rather than a real concert atmosphere the Clubs will till book big acts though.
Won't find out what MTV is or isn't doing till much closer to the time, sometimes only weeks before peak week
The random moments where the producer guy would just ask everyone to applause and go crazy so they can put the same clip after every song to look like people where so into it was bizare :lol:
March 12-16, 2007 (Mon-Fri) (peak week last year/2nd week in march) College / University Enrollment Adams State College 5,578 Albion College 1,979 Alcorn State University 3,544 American University 11,279 Appalachian State University 14,653 Arizona State University 51,612 Army, West Point 4,231 Ball State University 20,351 Baylor University 13,975 Bentley College 5,565 Boston University 30,957 Bryn Mawr College 1,799 Bucknell University 3,648 Butler University 4,384 California University of Pennsylvania 7,184 Canisius College 4,979 Carthage College 2,699 Claremont Mckenna College 1,139 Cleveland State University 15,722 Colgate University 2,779 College of William and Mary 7,036 College of Wooster 1,846 Colorado State University, Fort Collins 27,133 Columbia University 22,470 Concordia University, Austin 1,219 Concordia University, Wisconsin 5,418 Connecticut College 1,317 Delta State University 3,998 Duke University 14,075 East Carolina University 23,164 Eastern Illinois University 12,129 Eastern Kentucky University 16,219 Fairfield University 5,173 Fairleigh Dickinson University 7,937 Florida College 456 Fordham University 14,664 Gardner-Webb University 2,776 George Mason University 29,728 George Washington University 24,099 Georgia Southern University 16,646 Gonzaga University 6,377 Harding University 5,744 Harvey Mudd College 743 Hastings College of the Law 1,189 Hendrix College 1,031 Humboldt State University 7,550 Idaho State University 13,977 Illinois State University 20,653 Indiana University, Purdue 16,132 Indiana University of Bloomington 34,038 Indiana University Southeast 3,226 Iowa State University 25,741 Jackson State University 8,351 Keene State College 4,846 Lafayette College 2,346 Lakeland College 4,021 Lamar State College 2,143 Lamar State College at Port Arthur 2,530 Lewis and Clark Community College 10,000 Liberty University 8,732 Long Island University, Brooklyn 8,144 Longwood University 4,289 Manhattan College 3,425 Marquette University 11,594 Miami University (OH) 16,338 Minnesota State University 7,680 Mississippi State University 16,101 Monmouth College 1,345 Montana State University 12,166 Naval Academy 4,422 New York University 40,004 Niagara University 3,853 Northern Illinois University 25,208 Occidental College 1,839 Penn State University 40,709 Pitzer College 963 Pomona College 1,532 Prairie View A&M University 7,912 Purdue University 38,712 Quinnipiac University 7,293 Radford University 9,552 Rutgers University at New Jersey, Camden 5,321 Rutgers University at New Jersey, Newark 10,246 Rutgers University at New Jersey, New Brunswick/Piscataway 34,449 Saint Clair College 6,500 St. Louis University 9,726 Sam Houston State University 15,000 Santa Fe Community College 13,806 Savannah State University 3,055 Scripps College 908 Southern Illinois University Carbondale 21,441 Southern Methodist University 11,152 Stephen F. Austin State University 11,435 Syracuse University 17,266 Texas A&M 44,910 Texas A&M, Corpus Christi 8,227 Texas Christian University 8,749 Texas State University 27,129 Texas Tech University 28,001 University of Alabama, Birmingham 11,200 University of Arizona 37,036 University of Bridgeport 2,077 University of Central Florida 44,953 University of Dayton 10,572 University of Florida 49,693 University of Georgia 33,660 University of Hartford 7260 University of Houston 35,344 University of Idaho 12,476 University of Iowa 24,073 University of Kentucky 25,672 University of Miami 12,000 University of Minnesota 10,496 University of Mississippi 14,901 University of Nebraska 22,612 University of Nevada, Las Vegas 27,344 University of New Hampshire 14,564 University of New Haven 2,822 University of New Mexico 26,172 University of North Carolina 19,490 University of Northern Iowa 12,622 University of Notre Dame 11,417 University of the Pacific 6,196 University of Pittsburgh 33,574 University of Portland 3,413 University of San Francisco 8,457 University of South Alabama 13,122 University of South Carolina 27,065 University of South Florida 43,000 University of Southern California 32,836 University of Southern Mississippi 15,030 University of Tennessee at Knoxville 26,400 University of Tennessee at Martin 6,484 University of Texas, Arlington 25,432 University of Texas, Austin 49,696 University of Texas, Pan American 17,048 University of Texas, San Antonio 27,337 University of Texas, Tyler 5, 748 University of Tulsa 4,084 University of Wisconsin, La Crosse 9,397 University of Wisconsin, Parkside 4,944 University of Wisconsin, Platteville 6,431 University of Wisconsin, River Falls 5,950 University of Wisconsin, Stout 7,891 University of Wyoming 13,126 Utah State University 14,458 Utah Valley State College 24,487 Valdosta State University 9,295 Valencia Community College 29,342 Virginia Commonwealth University 29,349 Washington State University 23,544 Weber State University 18,142 Western Illinois University 13,404 Western Kentucky University 18,634 Wilson College 732 Yale University 11,270 Youngstown State University 12,809 TOTAL 2134060 March 19-23, 2007 (Mon-Fri) (week after peak week/3rd week in March) College / University Enrollment Alabama A&M University 6,323 Albright College 1,337 Arkansas State University 10,414 Austin College 1,240 Birmingham-Southern College 1,453 California College of the Arts 1,312 California Institute of Technology 2,171 California State University, Chico 15,919 Calvin College 4,189 Central Connecticut State University 12,320 Chipola Junior College 1,845 Citadel 1,909 Clemson University 16,982 College of Wooster 1,825 Colorado State University-Pueblo 5,741 Columbia College Chicago 10,081 Cornell University 18,400 Daytona Beach Community College 11,945 Depaul University 23,148 Des Moines Area Community College 5,558 Drake University 3,878 Earlham College 1,190 Eastern Connecticut State University 3,784 Elmhurst College 2,682 Elon University 4,796 Emporia State University 4,041 Flagler College 2,103 Florida Community College at Jacksonville 24,769 Florida International University 19,760 Fort Hays State University 4,600 Georgia Tech 16,000 Grinnell College 1,577 Howard University 7,528 Hudson Valley Community College 12,241 Jacksonville State University 8,930 John Hopkins University 5,450 Kansas State University 23,141 Lipscomb University 2,563 Luther College 2,504 Manchester Community College 2,512 Meharry Medical College 687 Morehead State University 9,062 Morgan State University 6,891 Mount Holyoke College 2,140 Mount Mercy College 1,482 New Mexico State University 12,145 Northern Arizona University 18,521 Pensacola Junior College 11,000 Princeton University 6,708 Rider University 5,562 Samford University 4,440 Seattle University 7,062 Southern Arkansas University 2,428 Southern University at Baton Rouge 9, 904 Texas Southern University 11,903 Towson University 18,011 Tulane University 12,691 University of Akron 21,363 University of Alabama, Huntsville 3,600 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa 16,711 University of Alaska Southeast 3,375 University of Arkansas 17,269 University of Central Oklahoma 14,099 University of Denver 9,444 University of Kansas 25,899 University of Maryland 28,374 University of Maryland Eastern Shore 3,762 University of Massachusetts 24,646 University of Montevallo 2,521 University of Nevada-Reno 13,149 University of Northern Colorado 11,851 University of North Florida 15,234 University of North Texas 32,000 University of Oklahoma 30,447 University of Rhode Island 11,114 University of Utah 29,012 University of West Florida 9,655 University of West Georgia 7,279 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 35,000 University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh 12,409 University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point 8,552 Wellesley College 2,812 Western Connecticut State University 3,750 Wichita State University 14,810 Yale University 11,270 TOTAL 761,192 March 26-30, 2007 (Mon-Fri) College / University Enrollment Air Force Academy 5,000 Auburn University 23,333 Boise State University 18,000 Brevard Community College 15,000 Brown University 7,595 California State University, Sacramento 24,895 Colorado State University, Boulder 28,624 Gulf Coast Community College 6,000 Harvard University 19,779 Hope International University 2,300 Huntingdon College 916 Kent State University 34,000 Lewis & Clark College 3,433 Lindenwood University 10,047 Orange Coast College 23,533 Oregon State University 19,236 Pacific Lutheran University 3,643 San Diego State University 32,933 San Jose State 29, 975 Siena College 2,900 Southern Arkansas University 2,804 University of Arkansas 16,035 University of Arkansas, Little Rock 5,700 University of California, Berkeley 33,000 University of California, Los Angeles 38,600 University of Central Arkansas 8,500 University of Colorado 28,624 University of Delaware 19,418 University of Hawaii 20,549 University of Missouri-Columbia 28,000 University of Montana 13,352 University of North Alabama 4,435 University of Oregon 19,439 University of Wisconsin, Whitewater 10,540 West Virginia University 26,051 William Mitchell College of Law 1,078 TOTAL 568,031 April 2-6, 2007 (Mon-Fri) College / University Enrollment Alliant International University 3,554 Augusta State University 5,400 Bard College 1,700 Bates Technical College 6,230 Berkeley College 2,304 California State University, Northridge 33,243 Cerritos College 24,536 Edgewood College 2,454 Fresno State University (California State University, Fresno) 20,000 Grambling State University 5,039 Hofstra University 13,000 International University Bremen 880 Long Beach State University 34,547 Long Island University, C.W. Post 8,472 Louisiana State University 32,200 Madison Area Technical School 5,500 Nicholls State University 7,531 Northwestern State University 14,025 Northwest Michigan College 3,950 Ocean County College 8,335 Rice University 4,367 Samuel Merritt College 1,008 Spring Hill College 1,300 Stony Brook University 22,011 University at Albany 17,040 University of Illinois, Chicago 25,000 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 41,938 University of La Verne 8,140 University of Wisconsin-Madison 41,100 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 18,627 Whittier College 1,535 Wofford College 1,133 TOTAL 351,069 April 9-13, 2007 (Mon-Fri) College / University Enrollment Chadron State College 3,000 Eastern Michigan University 14,079 McNeese State University 8,784 Southeastern Louisiana University 15,472 University of Tennessee 25,500 Wilmington College 7,126 TOTAL 44,410