Hello to all, need some help on which hotel to stay at. My wife and I are going to cancun for the first time and we are wondering which hotel would be more fun to stay at Temptation or Golden Parnassua. thanks
Then you had better go to Temptations if all you want is fun and good times. IF those two things are not important, go somewhere else
We all want fun and good times on vacation but a lot of us have much different definitions of what is fun. We love Temptation and have been there many times but it is not a place for everyone. I suggest you research the resort to see what is it like before you book.
You should try TRS this is our first trip to Cancun and we decided to try it! It sounds like a NON stop party! Best of luck in your search and decision, we will be there in 28 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, at the risk of being too flippant, you walk into this room which has a specific sign over the door "Temptation Lounge" and you ask "where should I stay"? LOL I think it is obvious what we all would stay but I do have to say this resort is NOT for everyone ...
Well said RobnStew,,, but we are not biased here are we? lol It boils down to this: If you want some mellow fun in the sun with quiet nights there are many fine resorts in cancun. If you are looking for an adult frat house, with mandatory day after circles under your eyes and hair of the dog in your glass for breakfast then Temptation is your place.
Robnstew please do not take this the wrong way, I do realize what the fourm represents that most of you people stay at Temtation,but i am sure that there are a few people that have stayed at both. as I said it is my 1st time to cancun and that is why i ask that exact question. I want to go to a resort that I can have fun that offers me my bang for my buck . the info that i have received is not much help.I do appreciate everyones info and the pictures I have seen on this fourm thanks[/u][/url]