Help finding good housekeepers

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by SA, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
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    My gal cleans normal things and other things as directed, like monthly cleaning the A/C filters as an example. She cleans and organizes my frig and pantry when it drives either of us crazy. She knows how I am a creature of habit and knows where I want things so I can grab what I need blindfolded if necessary. She does my laundry, folds and puts things away, changes the sheets and irons. Everything is folded the way I want it and my shirts are all hanging the way I want them. She sweeps the landing and stairs outside. She gives hand and back massages, drinks my coffee that I keep for guests, and eats what she wants, all with my ok.

    It takes her 4-5 hours typically and I pay her $250 per week. I had her on an 8 week trial/ probation at $200 but she was so good that I put her to $250 after the third week and paid her the extra $50 per week retroactive to day one.

    She has Tues and Wed available. She lives in like Region 200 or 201 or 202. Waaaay out there anyway. She is a single mom of two and is getting married in Dec. I pray that it does not change her work habits.

    LIFE IS PRETTY DARN GOOD. And I was kidding about the massages. Maybe I should ask though.
  2. Isla Zina

    Isla Zina Regular Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    You are paying a maid what a first year doctor makes. Why?
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    First year Doctors make $500 (USD) a month here? If true, that's extremely scary. A first year Dr in the UK makes 6 times as much.

    We pay our maid 300 Pesos a day (8 hrs), she's not full time - works 2 or 3 times a week, either cleaning / babysitting or both. That would work out at $7200 Pesos per month (working 6 days a week) if she was full time. That is a better than average wage probably but still not much imho.
  4. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
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    How much do you think you could hire a maid for, per day, in Cancun?

    I don't know of anyone who has a good maid for less than $200. Then they end up leaving whe someone offers them more. I would prefer to pay them more so that no one else will be able to hire them away. I often leave bus or taxi money, give her food, take her to lunch, give her stuff that is no longer of use to me but still serviceable, give her a roll of paper towels when i buy a 12 pack at Costco, loan her money if needed, drive her home if it's raining, etc. I try to be a hard boss to replace. It's a pain to find a replacement, train her as to how I want and expect things done, learn to trust her and depend on her, etc.
  5. TraceyUk

    TraceyUk Guru Registered Member

    May 7, 2006
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    we pay 230 pesos a day for 6 hours .she doesnt cook but does everything else.We also give lifts, donate food, clothes etc and she has been with us 6 years.
  6. Isla Zina

    Isla Zina Regular Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    I just changed maids and am very happy with this one. Her husband works at a government agency where his job is to make sure no one takes bribes. For his honesty and their having 4 children ages 6-12, she's had to re enter the work force. She works 6 hours 2-3 days a week and gets 200 pesos a day. She does floors, dishes, dusts, makes beds, does laundry and is willing to iron. I found her through an assistant principal who had hired her at a time she was overwhelmed with school papers in the house. She sang high praises for Leidy. I have to agree. She is here, doesn't initiate conversation, but will engage if I start. She has not been late for work in about 10 days of work so far. The previous maid was always asking for things in the house. This one has never asked for anything has walked about with more things than I ever gifted before as we went through the linen closet for this high season, for example. So, long story short - get references from a local Mexican professional, not the expat circuit.
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