Hey guys you may or may not remember me. I started posting here last year a few months before spring break. You may or may not remember, but I became increddddibly ill right before my trip to cancun and couldnt go. IT SUCKEDD SOOO BAD!! lol I was gonna be a 1st timer too. So, im excited for this year....havn't booked my trip yet...but def in the works. Just saying hello to everyone
well hello.............make sure its march 8-15 week so you can join our CancunCare Party!! Also............. OASIS CANCUN!!!!! :lol: Nice to see you back and healthy!
hiiiiiii! I REMEMBER YOU! you won the pimp my spring break contest last year........! im trying to win this week for this year....i was killing EVERYONE but some moron its currently in the lead by a few votes?? I spent all night getting votes and he had 209 ALLL NIGHT then i leave my computer for an hour...come back and he magically has 417 compared to my 409. is this thing rigged?!?! honestly........that just seemed sooo unrealistic to me. I was gone literally an hour. lol
who knows? He likely went to the library and jumped on all the computers and voted. I know people did that last year..................... But even if you dont win, you better still try and go!
If i have the money ill try...but i doubt i will. lol i tried doing that at my school and it totally didnt work. I didnt think it would work on one continous internet connection even though its on a different computer. anyways......im not even sure what week spring break is for my school haha, im terrible. All i know is that I better not get sick this time around!! Its cool to see all the same people around here though