We're heading to TTR over Thanksgiving with 2 couples who have never been there, booked it many months ago.We have been telling these friends about Chinos and his crazy antics and that was a HUGE reason they decided to join us.Imagine how we felt having to tell them he is no longer there....BUT!! We'll still go, we'll meet up with new and old friends once again, I am sure the repeaters will share many Chinos stories from previous visits and we'll toast Chinos many times with drinks and shots! If our trip is not what we've come to expect from TTR then next time we'll move on to another resort. Like everyone else we wish him the very very best in what ever direction life leads him in the future. Roy and Sandy ( or as Chinos called her Buttluv!)
We'd love to be in a Boobs Cruise video if you make one during thanksgiving. What's the cost to get a copy?
Does this mean that Chinos is done with TTR? Very sad and disappointed if this is true, but will have to try the Boobs Cruise if he is on it next time we go.