Has Britney Spears lost the plot?

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by jenfleur, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. apple

    apple Guest

    +0 / 0
    i cant believe they have already snapped pictures of her in rehab :? like come on. let her have a bit of peace while trying to cope.

    but i agree with denise. she has made some poor choices as an adult. and now she has to live with the consequesnces. her children are going to be able to see all of this when they get older, as its all now public knowldege. i mean there are much better ways she could have dealt with this. more privately for sure. its not like she doesnt have the money to do so.

    unfortunately, her children will now know just how she was and how poorly she has behaved in the early years fo their life. and for their sakes i hope she can clean up and actually live to see them grow
  2. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well the thing for her is that her childrean are still young and she still has time to get her act together. Those kids are wellt aken care of with all the money she has she will make sure they have the best nannies and finer things in life. Although sure she is having a break down, sheeeeesh every day normal non celebs have break downs...Most recover, we can't fault them for that.. Unforntuantly I blame the media and the papp's for contributing to her demise
  3. R.I. GAL

    R.I. GAL Guest

    +0 / 0
    You make some great points Dream however NO NANNY no matter how much they are paid can substitute for the true and UNCONDITIONAL love a mother is supposed to provide :!:

    Her children should be coming first especially at the very young and dependant ages they are at......and if she is UNWILLING to step up to the plate now I have got to wonder if she will ever be the type of mother every child needs and deserves :!: :!:

    $$$$$$$$ never ='s happiness or love
  4. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well I guess in her defence the live that she was thrust into by her family is also to blame,. coming from a broken family, and constant media attention isn't going to go away, I say kudos to her ( well actually her mom for dragging her there) for finally getting her ass in gear. Like some of things she does is just wow..But then again could you imagine papp's following you around everytime you went out.. :shock:
  5. apple

    apple Guest

    +0 / 0
    i agree wtih denise again. i have too. a childs development happens in the first 5-6 years of their life and if she cant be around for it and nurture them, then shes not doing her job.

    and i dont like the broken home excuse. im sorry, my parents are divorced and you dont see me behving the way she does. yes the papparazzi arent helping, but sometimes one has to take responsibility for their own actions
  6. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well yeah taking control I think is very hard in this day and age.
    Look how mnay people went into rehab? Matt Perry, Lindsey Lohan. And essentially everyone made fun of it, like now it's like ah well I will just go into rehab....

    I dunno I gotta stand on my own on this one....I just think if she was a non celeb things would be different.
  7. Kait13

    Kait13 Guest

    +0 / 0
    i agree suzanne!! i realy do think she would be different if she was a non-celeb
  8. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Aww I have faith her hair will grow back....but I think your hair grows 1/4 inch every mnth so she has a long way to go
  9. R.I. GAL

    R.I. GAL Guest

    +0 / 0
    Again I do respect your opinion Dream........but Lohan and Perry do not have children.....

    When you decide to become a celebrity you must deal with the good and the bad :!:

    Could I live my life in a fishbowl :?: No probably not.....but again that is a life she chose......I agree w/ Apple.....just because she came from a less than perfect home is NO excuse for her behavior.....if anything she should DEMAND a better life for her children.

    And there are many people with difficult beginnings who turn out well......look at Oprah for example :!:
  10. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yeah but for me I have several freinds who have come from broken homes, and more times than none, they have issues..Not saying that it directly effects them, I am going by what I see and hear and know.. :lol:

    Anyways.......I will be the one at her concert when she gets her ass back in gear! :cool:
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