With the bad world wide economy, has it effected the amount of people going to Temptations. Is it about the same as previous years? After going several years and having a blast each time. then losing a ton in the stock market, it looks like we won't be going this year. Are there as many Americans, as many Canadians, as many British and other Europians going this year? I was just curious if people are still going like normal. BOB :cry:
absoloutely still going good economy or bad ........but then again its where and how you want to spend your money- t and i just prefer to not get side tracked with meaningless things like the economy on a scale of 1-10 the economy is about a negative 50 economy is bad - oh well - we already planned for a bad economy - by not having any debt or being invested in things which we cant control - we just dont let those things control the way we live - we live life on our terms - not what is or what is not socially acceptable or expected and certainly not paying for shit on credit (whoever invented that crap?!) - going to temptations and living here part time at temptations north is as much of who we are and what we do as getting up and going to to work is for most people you put your money where your heart is :wink: ................for example if driving around in a pretty little depreciating asset (such as a bmw, hummer or any other new car for that matter) was our "thing" then we would probably not be going to temptations or doing much else for that matter - during a good economy or a bad economy ............but vehicles dont mean shit to us :shock: what matters to us are the 3 F's and that is where our money goes family friends fun so we do without the car payments..........(and many other things for that matter)....... :lol: ...........pocket the $20,000+ per year for rainy days.......vacation with friends and family and have a ton of FUN year round $%#@ the economy :wink: and when i get to be 100 i will still be dring my s-10 pickup (already at almost 400,000) looking back and reflecting on my life with a big smile and singing, as jim croce so proudly sang "in chasing what i thought were moon beams im sure i would be the first to say...........i wouldnt have done it any other way" nothing personal and dont mean to sound ugly - but the reality is you put your money where you heart is the best rob and t
yep like my friend tim always griping about not thaving any money well lets see...............IF TIM DID NOT DRINK EVERY SINGLE NIGHT OF THE WEEK..........he might have some money............just a thought??? i guess his priority is drinking drinking more and drinking even more oh well - will miss him in cancun
We were there from Nov 10 - 17th. It was extreamly busy & at one point in our stay we were told that the hotel was actually overbooked.
I agree, you can always have money for the things that are really important to you. And going to Temptation and meeting up with all the wonderful people that we met last year and have been able to have a great time with , let loose, forget all our troubles and worries and leave them behind for two weeks is worth every penny.
Certainly Cancun as a whole is just coming out of one of the lowest low seasons for a while. My thoughts are Temptation being a unique / niche resort it's somewhat more recession proof than the regular hotels and I dont think will suffer too much. Despite Temptation being a "cheaper" resort compared to others, many of the people that go are not badly off and also those that love life rather than than in search of just another Caribbean vacation. If they do need to cut back they will cut back in other areas but not stop enjoying themselves. In addition, the regular hotels have been hit not only be the US economy but also by the deterioration of their beaches leading to areas further south becoming more popular, whereas those who go to Temptation have never gone there for the beach anyway! The cancuncare board is normally a good indicator of how busy Temptation will be in the next month or so, it slows down when it's going to be quiet and picks up when it's going to be busy. After the US thanksgiving holiday things usually start to pick up again and this week has been no exception with the site being busier this week than it has been for several months. If there is any impact on numbers at Temptation due to the economy I think it will be minimal.
Very well put Diamondhead Vacations Happen to be high on my list of prioritys so it hasn't affected me to bad....And I also have no credit cards and drive a cheep car, No cable, no frilly toys and all so I Can affort to take several vacations a year.... Did I happen to mention I just got back form Temptation and I am going on a Christmas & New Year cruise... It is all a matter of priority... I do have the slight advantage of being a RN (nurse) which is one area that will NEVER be affected by the slow economy.
i hear ya nurse - enjoy your cruise - t and i went on one of those 7 day deals over thanksgiving a few years back - and besides having to look like an idiot just to eat a meal (see suit and tie and requirements on most cruises) we had a blast actually showed up for dinner one night dressed like this - i think they were pissed - lmao
Hey Diamondheaded, I always look forward to opening this site just to see what you're gonna post next & you never fail to disappoint! ! ! ! Keep up the good work Bro.