Has Anyone Returned To The Us Since New Testing Requirements Began?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Texas T T's, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. 0riA

    0riA Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Makes me wonder if anyone is really tracking it, though. Even if they record # of rejections at the airport in some new system, there's tons of people who just know the rules and won't bother going to the airport if they don't have a neg. test. Any attempt at compiling stats is doomed to be horribly inaccurate and skewed.
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  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Up to the airlines to track, if they choose to imho.

    Certainly not Mexico's job to enforce and monitor rules not of their own making and that are actually detrimental to their own country's prosperity.
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  3. CorpusDuo

    CorpusDuo Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    "Certainly not Mexico's job to enforce and monitor rules not of their own making and that are actually detrimental to their own country's prosperity."

    So true and I doubt the US govt is interested in the percentage of negative vs positive tests performed in Mexico. IMO their only interest is in appearing to do something and save the country from the evil travelers. Never mind the millions of cases already in our country lol. After all, only politicians should be allowed to host wedding receptions and travel to Cabo (Adler - mayor of Austin), enjoy fine dining with a dozen others (Newsome), get her hair done at a closed salon (Pelosi). The peons like us aren't supposed to be doing these things. It's far too dangerous.
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  4. Matt and Lisa

    Matt and Lisa Guru Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2019
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    I can’t see how any of this is tracked from what I observed. If they cared about that then they wouldn’t have solely put the responsibility on the airlines to enforce it. Our test results weren’t checked again after the check in counter. I also doubt that they really care if suspicions were to arise anyways. They present everything as if they are doing the tests and what is required of them. We are only talking about my experience at Temptation as well. It’s fair to assume that it’s happening the same way in other resorts in Mexico and the Caribbean, but who knows if they are taking the same approach. I think it would be near impossible to be able to implement a system to reliably track results. This is the US government rules and they are slow to implement anything as it is to this scale and trying to build a system and then train other countries employees to use the system correctly seems highly unlikely.
  5. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    The whole restrictions thing is just paying lip service to those who don't want to (or can't afford to/never want to) travel anyway. A fake safety blanket.

    Makes it look like Crazy Joe is actually doing something, when really it's a drop in the ocean with negligible impact.

    At the moment there are 13,000 US tourists arriving daily. (Pre Covid it would be triple to quadruple that.)

    Yes of course, some people will contract the disease in Mexico, or in airports or on the plane. Perhaps more so at TTR where the 'normal' social distancing measures are largely ignored. The people that go to TTR know and accept that.

    But what effect does that actually have on the US as a whole?

    Think about the number of personal interactions 330 Million people at home in the US have daily. Compare it to the 13,000 who are coming back from Mexico, of which let's say 1% might be positive. If those 13,000 people stayed at home would they have had a lesser chance of contracting it? I doubt it.

    All a big farce. Yes Covid is real, and in some cases can cause death, largely those with comorbidities or of old age.

    But does anyone really believe that making travel to Mexico more difficult is going to fix the problem?
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  6. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    Steve...you nailed it.
    Especially the farce and Crazy Joe comment!
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  7. harley&coronas

    harley&coronas Regular Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    On January 12, 2021, CDC announced an Order requiring all air passengers arrivingto the US from a foreign country to get tested no more than 3 days before their flight departs and to present the negative result or documentation of having recovered from COVID-19 to the airline before boarding the flight.
    Sorry this wasn’t crazy Joe , but the former occupant that caused this.
  8. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    The CDC Foundation has no authority and only makes recommendations.
    They are not an official government office, are a private entity and are funded by philanthropist .
    Biggest donors are typically left leaning. (Bill Gates ($100M+ for corona virus works, EM, Taubin family, AARP, A. Downing...the list goes on).

    Edited to add “Foundation”.
    I was
    The office of CDC and Prevention is an Fed Agency inside the Dept of Health and Human Services and does receive fed funds via congress as well as monies from CDC Foundation. The executive branch (President’s Office) has control and authority to use opinions and recommendations as they see fit.
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  9. ging

    ging Addict Registered Member

    Aug 14, 2018
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    Reading all the interviews from the CDC, the goal is to deter people from traveling domestic and international. Not discovering who has covid.

    Asking for the negative test I think on its own stops a lot of people from traveling, it seems like what they set out to do is working.

    The people making these policies probably know there will befake tests, or people working the system, they likely don’t care.
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  10. ging

    ging Addict Registered Member

    Aug 14, 2018
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    Iirc the CDC is operated by the executive branch.
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