Finding myself surprisingly single at this conjecture in time I shall go to the pub / restaurant thats showing a football match tonight with around 4-5 of my other single friends, where, we shall laugh at the couples playing smoochy smoochy over a candle lit dinner, garnished with a wilting rose and a bottle of champagne (that was £20 cheaper yesterday and will be £20 cheaper tomorrow ) whilst watching the afore mentioned football. Upon the final bell, my friends and I will go our seperate ways to our lonely single dwellings and the smoochy smoochy couples will go home hand in hand....... and get there own back on us laughing at them earlier by banging themselves senceless..... b@stards the lot of 'em :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Ian. :lol: PS. Happy Valentines day. :lol:
i read best thing in paper today. all the street vendors in toronto today are selling dead flowers to send to people you dont like! you can go to and gauge how much you hate any sort of partner in your life lol aahhahaha best idea ever!
haha me and brit have a date tonight and we are ordering a heart shaped pizza from the local pizza place :lol: