well over here its almost 3 in the morning, so we can only hope that Shaun is long since blacked out/passed out from what should have been a crazy night....have a good bday man, live it up and remember.....................
8.04 here Fletch so I'm guessing Shauns Mummy is just waking up her special little soldier up with a big morning kiss :lol: :lol: Ian :lol: :lol:
woooooooooo HEY ALL nah mums away so it was me on my own had aload of prezzies lined up ready tonights the big night last night had a few mates over and had a few beers and made towers with the cans but tonight is the big'un thanks again fletch it now gives me a bigger reasont o come visit you all coz im now officially old enough to drink inevery country
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHORNNNNNNNNN!!! i really wanna go out tonight but unfortunately im skint as.... if a miracle happens before now and tonight i'll give ya a buzz. i'll try be there, if not have a good one