$10 says we get the typical Jason, "all of the pics are on my friend's, sister's, ex husband's, grandma's, camera and most cannot be posted anyway :wink: " sorry I'm crabby today lol
I had a lot of people asking for pics? And I really dont know why lol, it was just a bday! And no, there were NO pics period, not on anyones cameras to my knowledge........... I dont remember a lot of it to be honest. Just another weekend out on the town, except I happend to turn another year older :lol:
thats the worst part....I'll be doing that next month, now, I may not be turning nearly as old or anythinjg...but mentally I'm just not ready for the big 2-4
ya I really dont feel like I even had a bday, although not paying for drinks all night was nice. Hell, by the time we even got to the big "club" I dont even remember!! Not 1 thing from that night........... ughhh likely good there was no pics!