We will start increasing our B-Complex vitamin taking a few weeks before and during our vacation. And B-12 every morning after a night out. Pizza and Gatorade is a great combination before bed. This obviously is not for everybody and not an endorsement to go out and get a prescription, but to share a hangover remedy that works for him. He suffers from migraines and is prescribed Imitrex for them when they get bad. What he has found out is taking an Imitrex before passing out prevents hangovers, or if taking one after waking up and feeling shitty helps recover from one. (Though this is probably because the his main hangover sympton is a massive migraine triggered by alcohol).
Unfortunately, I (her), have a track record of passing out from drinking in the sun... We now bring powder packets of Gatorade to mix with bottled water. We drink some every time we're in the room and we usually don't have hangovers (knock on wood) But we also, usually, only get WASTED one day on the trip the rest are just pleasantly buzzed :ernaehrung005: then again when all else fails :wuerg011: then feel better and do it all again! :clappyinghappy:
A quick dip in the pool at 9am when it opened was great for clearing my head. I suffer more from nausea from a hangover rather than a headache. I found taking anti-sickness tablets with lots of water before bed helped. Also filled bubba keg with the banana smoothie they serve at breakfast to sip on got my stomach working again in the mornings, without further exacerbating any nausea.
I always 'TRY' to drink some water between every few drinks, but the best solution always has been taking a couple of niacin tablets with 800mg ibuprofen an hour before going to bed. Always works.
Water, Water, Water. And for me, something with salt on it (like pretzels) when I wake up to ease the queasy tummy.
I have to agree that whenever I remember to drink a pint of water and two painkillers (aspirin/Anadin etc) before bed, my hangover is much more manageable. With bad hangovers I get headaches rather than nausea (probably due to the dehydration) so this method works wonders for me. Then a nice greasy breakfast and plenty of liquids (non-alcoholic ones!) and by early afternoon I can usually get back on the beer.
1) Do the fruity shots - not shots of tequila. The fruity ones (Wet Pussy, etc) have so little alcohol in them that you can enjoy more of them 2) I take tummy stuff and advil every morning while there. Fair warning - pepto bismol will make your tongue brown after a week of taking it (takes a week to go away). 3) If you're going to do the B vitamins - slowly ramp them up - don't down a crapload one day. That can make you flush, feverish, and if you're lucky - hallucinate. 4) Water Water Water and make sure to eat food!
If I am drinking hard I usually try and slam a water after every bathroom break and a water before bed. Glad to hear they still hook you up with burgers and fries before bed , that was always the best!
Most people use Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen) these days for headaches and pain relief. But I have read in a number of places that good 'ole Aspirin is best to avoid a hangover. Primarily because it is a prostaglandin inhibitor. Take a couple before bed with as much water as you can. Take more in the morning if needed. As everyone has said, try to drink water through the night while you are partying. You should have a decent meal before drinking. Eggs contain cysteine and bananas contain potassium which are both helpful in the morning. Frequest urination depletes vitamins and electrolytes. Replacing these will definitely help. Sports drinks replace electrolytes, sugars and salts. Now ... go do the right thing and party your face off....
It's best not to use Tylenol for a hangover since the combination of acetaminophen and alcohol can cause liver damage. In fact, meds containing acetaminophen say on the bottle not to take them if you're having more than three drinks a day (which, at Temptation, we can do before breakfast). Acetaminophen is not just in Tylenol but in Excedrin, Sudafed, Nyquil, and many others. Just remember to check the label before you pop those pills.