Three tylenols before bed.. or heading down to the pool to save the chairs :roll: .... and a bottle of Gatoraide for breakfast keeps me ... well... moving. :wink: Jamie
Honestly..........I don't know what it is about Mexico but my hangovers are minimal. Unfortunately I can't say the same about back home. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older but if anyone has a cure I'll take it.
Remedy Wow! That's pretty much my remedy as well. I got the Zantac 150's from Sam's club for an upset stomach and another 800 mg of Ibuprofen (in any form you prefer: Motrin, Advil, generic). However, I never had to take any of these while at TTR. Crazy, but true. Hangovers suck! :bash:
Just picked up something at Walmart called Wake - Up Call! Made by Alka- Seltzer / Bayer for hangovers. Now that I am sitting here reading the box, looks like it only has Aspirin & caffein as active ingredients. Won't be trying it for 2 weeks. So who knows...