You get bottled water every day in your fridge so you should be fine. We also brush our teeth with the tap water and we have had no problems.
I drink about a gallon a day from the sink in the room. The hotel has a water filtration system...the old "don't drink the water in Mexico" warning you hear makes sense if you're away from the hotel and don't know that the water is filtered. The water at the hotel is fine.
what works for be is a b complex and I also bring pills called RU-21. Can buy on Amazon and they work great. Plus plenty of water during the day and night. every couple drinks get a glass of water also. These all work for me as I usually go to TTR in May for 3 weeks and usually never get a hangover this way
Vitamin b patch. I wear it while I'm drinking and take it off before bed. Works like a dream. Just don't forget to take it off. Lol
I drank only the banana drinks. Never had a hangover and was pretty buzzed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I like to take Gatorade powder, mix it double strength and get in frig. Taste better than what you get in stores and works wonders to prevent hangovers. 5 hr. is also good for a quick pick me up - may need to bring a case this trip.
Scientists tested 57 hangover cures...Sprite was determined to be the best option. Read on: Is Sprite the Cure for Hangovers? Scientists Say Yes! | E! Online
The one I use is eggs greasy bacon OJ and coffee and 1600 mg of Ibuprofen or one greasy slice of garbage pizza and a Mountain dew