I hafta stick with the 2 drinks-1 water routine or else I get VERY sick. It's not hangover, either....it happens the night of. Not fun for either of us.
When in Cancun do like the locals and eat Menudo 1st thing in the morning (best damn hangover remedy anywhere)
I'll drink a lot of water and take a bunch of vitamin pills before I go out. if I'm drinking beer I alternate with water every few drinks. If Im on Grey Goose and cranberry I don't have to do anything to stop a hangover. Make sure you have a big jug of water by your bed (or where you pass out) too, every time you wake up (if you do) chug as much as you can. The next morning I eat and bunch of fruit to get me started take some more vitamins and Im good to go. Or if you don't like all the preparation and planning....just keep some of you favorite alcohol next to your bed and slam some when you wake up
best hangover cure here in scotland is a soft drink called barrs irn-bru made from girders folks. and if well hungover then make an ice cream drink with the irn-bru just like a milk shake def. works :xyxthumbs:
I guess I'm lucky as I don't get them at all - no matter what or how much I drink. I'm just wiped out tired the next day as my body wakes up by 0600 almost every day no matter what time I crash. I didn't drink enough last week to even get so drunk it would be a problem. It wasn't for lack of trying but my body is used to drinking at a much higher elevation... :beer4:
the green juice at TTR is actually quite good for this...as most people look at it and they want to be sick it's quite a help...so try it.....but Gatorade and rehydration is always a good way to get the electrolytes back in the body also....
wow!! not get a hangover ever? lucky you!!! Im not effected by elevation, I got drunk in cancun, just as easily as i do at home. If im in a really good mood, I can sniff a beer can and catch a buzz.
We use Floricet. Its a prescription used for Migrain and tension headaches. Pop one of these babies in the morning, and in 20 min your good. You dont feel energized or anything like that. If your tired when you wake up? your still tired after the floricet. It just takes all the hangover feelings away. The first time I took it I was hungover like no tomorrow. My wife gave me one to try. An hour later we were walking and she ask me how was it working? I said " i dont think its working, I dont feel anything" and there it was. I didnt feel anything, I felt normal. No HANGOVER. Its a neat little pill. We take it on every trip we go on.