Hands Off Or On

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by AngNJay, May 15, 2019.

  1. NC Brits

    NC Brits Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2019
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    This strikes me as a pretty odd post to make. Especially as you haven’t really posted much on here before with travel plans for an upcoming trip. The fact that you have to ask this ‘question’ would suggest that you know it’s wrong to touch people who don’t want to be touched. Clearly if it’s appropriate to touch someone in a flirty manner then I imagine all parties would and should know how to proceed. So my deduction is that you know what is and isn’t ok and that you’re just ‘boasting’ about how flirty your wife is and getting off on the answers. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong. And I may get rounded on for judging. But touching people who haven’t invited it is never ok. And the fact that you’re checking suggests that you know that. So again, what an odd question.
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  2. MikeandHeather

    MikeandHeather I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Where’s that popcorn emoji when I need it......
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  3. AngNJay

    AngNJay Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 9, 2018
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    I believe the reply’s answered my question on how how to proceed. My true intentions were to see how people would judge us if we’re being a little to friendly. Most replied with great respect to post, while few make outrageous comments about people they never met. We’ll be sure to avoid those few while there. Thanks again everyone.
  4. SammyM

    SammyM Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2018
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    Actually, AngNJay this is a great question! On our recent visit last month I even told my wife not to get offended if someone pats her on the butt or compliments her because she's really in incredible shape for her age. During the foam party on that Saturday at the sexy pool I was actually kind of surprised there wasn't more touching going on when I couldn't see anything 'lost in the foam'. I really expected some lady(?) who had a 'few too many' to grab my junk, but that never happened. What we did find later that week, however was two things. The people that you get to know throughout your stay become more relaxed with you, and you with them. So, it was almost common for us to put our arms around each other or hug one another while in or out of the sexy pool. I normally would not put my arms around the waist of a topless woman that I just met a few days earlier, but that's why this place is different -- and better -- than many other places we've been to. And, later in day as the crowd is pretty well liquored up some folks might get a bit more 'feely & touchy' but it was all good natured and nothing that I saw that crossed the line. My advice? Just tell her to be herself!
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  5. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    @SammyM Makes a great point. It is interesting how touchy you might get with friends in your group, and it isn't even weird or sexual. I am not talking about the things that are supposed to be fun like butt-slaps and motorboats, but more so when you are just hanging in the pool and your friend's wife is floating by way of holding on to your shoulder, or if you are standing somewhere at night with your arm around someone, or they are sitting on your lap. Really weird at home, but somehow at TTR it's just a lot more causal and relaxed, and not necessarily sexual.

    I guess if there was an outsider looking in, they might night even know who is with who. Not because it's something like my tongue being down someone's throat, but just the physical closer nature you are to people that maybe you just love and miss due to only seeing them once or twice a year.
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  6. Hbill

    Hbill Regular Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    A few years ago some ladies grabbed my gal, at the time, for a 4-way topless hug. The hug was kinda long. They were all shrieking with laugher. Obviously, they all were enjoying the moment. It was later in the day, all were buzzed and it just flowed. So, I get the thing about don't do it if there is any chance anyone will be offended. Just not cool. However, it becomes obvious if there is a playful mood in the air. Be considerate and all will have a good time.
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