I was there for Halloween 2 years ago. Most people do dress up, although I was really lame and did not. I TOTALLY regretted it. They have a lot of really awesome costumes and it was loads of fun. If I ever go at Halloween again I will definitely bring a cool costume.
We're in! For sure we will be there. Halloween is great at TTR. Hopefully we will have Miss Temptation-April in the group. Vote For LORIE for Miss Temptations April,,,Please!!
Sounds good Stud. Tell Ray to vote for his Mexican girlfriend Lorie!! Voting for the month of April is officially open, and will close on May 20th find the link for voting. Miss Temptation Contest 2011
Thought I'd resurrect this post. We just booked for halloween this year (with Doc and Nurse joining us!). Gave thought to Cabo, but really like halloween at TTR. No offense to those going to Cabo in November... we'll miss ya. We can share trip reports when we all get back.