16 more days.....almost there, starting to prime myself for the week of festivities.....still have no clue what we are wearing for Holloween....these cold mornings are already getting to me, I hate long sleeves and sweatshirts...the least amount of clothing the is the best. Sorry John, the Yankees will be out golfing watching baseball on TV.
LOL!! What time is the Red Sox Game on!! LOL!! Yankees v. Giants!! Give us a call when u get a chance!! John
Awwwww crap.:icon_frown: We really wanted to make it this time , but just couldn't swing it. Have a few (quite a few actually!) For us, and have a great time!!!:ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005: George (and Debbie)
Can't wait less than 2 weeks now, costumes are ready. Looking forward to meet all of you. :daveandmo: BTW, I'll be up for horseshoes every morning, J
Ok I went shopping tonight and got my outfits for Halloween... During the day by the sexy pool... And at night the Joker!
XX I had looked at this one when we were looking... but we went themed as Pirates instead. Not sure what the female part of the breathalizer theme would be ... :bj: