Tick tick tick We are gearing up! So, I went out and bought all these glow things but we are not too sure exactly how we are supposed to wear them and with what? Tina and John? Maybe you can help.
do we need a sexy outfit? we are wondering if we will be looked at oddly if we arent sexy or half-nude? lol
Texas 8 Yankees 0.... all that money and they can't beat the rangers...I think Jeter has reservations for next week at pebble Beach.. Go Red Sox?, damn... 11 days and counting...
People dress from mild to wild. Just remember it can be very hot and humid even at nite, so less is more.:flash: Be comfortable and have fun. BOB
I think i'm going to be hot on Halloween night. Oh well, it's just one night and it should a good time. Doug
AL N ANN I think just be creative with the glow stuff. I got several things as well not sure what to do with it but after a few drinks all day by the sexy pool I am sure we will find something fun to do with it. Now we just need to decide on a night to plan for it. Thursday is lingerie/ casino night. I also read on here you didn't get in if you don't dress up that night. Sunday will be costume/Halloween party. What night do you think would be good?? Tina
Hello Nurse, I thougt I saw earlier on this board that it was going to be Saturday. Not sure if all the of last years folks will be there by then but the week seems to be getting quite booked. Maybe we can figure it out when we get there?
We bought a bunch too.:sunny: Should be fun finding out how and where :wink3: to use them. Im sure something wild can be thought of.