took me a minute to get the coffee off my face and outta my nose..... oh LMFAO, my co-workers think I've really lost it,... sitting here in my office crying I'm laughing so hard.... yep that about says it...
What's particularity humorous to me is that since guns have been banned in Britain the number of stabbings has gone through the roof. So even if you take guns away criminals will still find a way to kill. Of course Britain's government probably did not see the amount of knife related deaths/injuries increasing, so what does the British government want to do now? Yes that's right make knives "stab proof", amazing. What's next, stab proof pens or pencils? Stab proof nails? Where does it stop?
This is no longer a debate this has now moved into an argument. I'm done with this because you keep comparing guns which were made to kill things to cars which were made for transportation. I could use a rock to kill you... that doesn't meant that's what it's for. Now go off and lobby to get your landmines and anti-aircraft guns because you can.
Knives were made to kill things as well, should we ban them? I see how it is, you can't logically have a debate, so instead you call it an argument, and go from talking about gun control to land mines and anti aircraft guns? Maybe it's best you take your ball and go home.
I don't understand you, your up in arms regarding weapons and your right to have and use, but your up in arms about people who want to use their camera's... I would rather have someone shoot me with a camera. Peace Love Man