Gorgeous Young Blonde Looking For Trabajo!!

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by HammieJ, Jan 29, 2009.

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  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    +7,232 / 14
    So are you selling cats, or flowers?

    Sorry jenleib, but suggesting someone may want to consider a career as an escort based 99% on what their avatar looks like is really not acceptable.

    As for the thread in general, Hammie wouldnt be the first good looking 20yr old female to think moving to Cancun would be a great life choice. Sure, she maybe a little naive due to her age but I kind of thought and hoped that those of us a little more mature and with more life experience might have been in a position to help her consider her choices. I think that happened at the beginning of the thread, but later on it just became a bitchy gossip thread.

    Please remember there is a real person reading your comments and they are hurtful. Honestly, I expected better. It was already mentioned that there is discussion about this thread off the board - amazing?!
  2. Cancun Fun

    Cancun Fun Guest

    +0 / 0
    I have been reading this thread without saying anything so far. I am actually shocked at how catty or petty the gringas have been to this girl. Tj and even Steve can attest to how the local woman can treat the gringas, but I am really disappointed at how everyone has acted about this. I thought that some of the posts from HammieJ were maybe tongue in cheek or a joke all together, but I cant believe how people have acted towards her. I guess God gave some woman good looks and the others received pure envy...and so far we have been able to see which group everyone belongs. I just think that if you dont like the way she has asked questions or if they arent up to your "intellectual level" then just keep your opinions to yourself or save your fountain of knowledge for the more "deserving".
  3. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    My bet is that the negative posts by the women who have posted are 100% because of jealousy.

    Come on, HammieJ is a 22 year old kid who is trying to get info about a possible move here. She never said she had a PhD. She could be a ditzy blond or she could be making funny; who cares. She eventually gets around to asking a question. I sent her a PM with a detailed and serious answer. I received an email in return, well written and articulate, thanking me for taking the time to provide a real answer to her questions.

    The jenlieb post was beyond insulting, as Steve more or less pointed out.

    And why did Rivergirl take a jab at me. She posted that some regulars were not joining in on this thead, and I simply implied that she was talking about Cunspin. I said nothing about the way she dresses or her body type. The only accurate thing about that jab was that I have never met Spin. But I do spend money in her fine restaurants. I couldn't pick her out of a crowd of two and don't know if she is black, white, Mexican or whatever.

    I think HammieJ has more class than all of you put together with the negative, insulting, and personal attacks on this young lady who happens to have a sexy avatar picture. How about Gonzo's sexy picture. You don't read the guys going off on him like this.

    I think Steve should kill this whole thread as it is an insult to this forum, which is really to help people, whether they live here or are looking into living here. Get a life for Christ's sake. Take your pettiness elsewhere.
  4. GONZO

    GONZO Guru Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    If you only saw the PM's I get from the guys TJ....... :lol: :lol: :lol:

    And yep give the girl a break, she is just looking for some info. Hell I didnt know what a CV was either and I'm 46 years old. Probably a little left of the bell curve too.

    Hammie you will get good info from the folks here.
  5. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    The man who said this...
    ...is criticizing other people's posts and reactions to this thread? TJ, You can't afford to throw stones when you act like that.

    And to those who would call the bitchy gringas "jealous" please, I BEG you, spell out what we are supposed to be jealous of? Boobs, I've got bigger ones that I would wish for? Or maybe it's the comments and attention from people like TJ? Right. Even though they might not realize it that kind of talk is degrading and makes you feel scuzzy inside when it's directed at you. We are not jealous of that.

    So what exactly are we supposed to be jealous of? Do you actually think we are jealous of her picture? I'm sure each of us has our pick of sexy photos of ourselves that we could use as an avatar if we wanted to...come on.

    I apologize to Hammie for being rude with my bell curve comment, as you all keep pointing out she's young and naive and she doesn't deserve to be kicked around.
  6. Fletch

    Fletch Guest

    +0 / 0
    I'm not sure if I should find this entire thread entertaining or embarrassing to the forum...so I'll just keep my mouth shut and enjoy the show until its ultimately locked
  7. El Arracadas

    El Arracadas Guest

    +0 / 0
    LOL amiga..

    Don't worry about them, that's usually how they behave around here..typical americans #;-)

    Heck! just move down there, I am sure that they will be very happy to help you, look at all the nice responses you've gotten.

    I have NEVER seen so many responses on a single thread since I have been around this forum LMAO...that would be around 3 or 4 years, I guess I am too old for this nonsense, thanks for the entertainment anyway.

    Mis dos centavos.
  8. HammieJ

    HammieJ I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    NJ - Fist Pump baby!
    +12 / 0
    Gracias para la dos centavos.... tee hee! Yeah they can be hurtful but I got over it. I think I'm going to wait until I get my CRNA(Nurse Anethestist) job and then I'll just buy a place down there and come and go when I need to relax. I don't want to live there forever. Just maybe a couple months a year or so. What does the average RN or CRNA make in mexico? I know here in US the RN makes about $85k/year starting.... and CRNA $180k/ yr starting(before overtime and bonuses).
  9. El Arracadas

    El Arracadas Guest

    +0 / 0
    I think I can handle that amiga, I will look for a picture from 15 years ago..LOL.
  10. cunspin

    cunspin Guest

    +0 / 0
    Que Onda Arracadas, :lol: Nunca pense que le fueras a dar cuerda....donde andas? ya vendiste tu terreno?
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