I was just thinking about getting my little ones hair cut while in Cancun. I imagine there are places down there. My little one is just about a year old. Any suggestions on where to take him, and how much I can expect it to cost?
Curious I was under the impression that the 'Golden Parnasus' is an adults only AI so how is it that you're staying there yet bringing a one year old with you? What am I missing?
There is a good woman barber in the row of stores in front of Soriana's on Kabah right next to Home Depot...... I go there and she is very good.. it cost me about 80 pesos...........
in market 23, rite across from the grocery store, there are a couple of shops that cut hair for 35 pesos for adult male. i think kids are 30 pesos. they do a nice job. don't know about a one year old tho. mite not be handy if you are staying in the hz but would be a good excursion,
I agree with jayg as to Market 23. And there is more than one option there. Hammie, if you walk into the market from Tulum, you will be on Calle Cedro. Just keep going straight ahead as you enter the market. The San Francisco market, big blue letters is on the left and the haircut places are opposite. Or you can just get on the sidewalk area at the first shop, a key shop and go a few more stores. You cannot miss them. Hey jayg, how did you and Beyonce like Cuba and how could you get permission that normal Americans cannot! Oh, you are buddies with Barack.
beyonce wouldn't go so have not yet made the trip. mite have to go solo next year. had to come back to usa to avoid a divorce.
lol. Thank you everyone! unfortunately we only paid for internet for our first few days..... I didn't see the responses. We went to mercado 28 but not 23. This little boy still needs his haircut. I guess I will have to suffer and fork over the 25 US bucks or maybe i'll just do it myself. I'm just scared he will move and i will hurt him or it will look silly. lol