as you get older you realize that wishful thinking never really amounts to much in life unless action is taken. everyone knows nice guys finish last. the thing about it is, he may not even be a nice guy. my point is, everyone gets cheated on, whether they are nice or not. at one point or another, everyone gets their heart broken. its something you go through when you are young and still nice and it is also something that makes you less nice to the next girl you meet. the trick is life is to not care. getting cheated on makes you better at not caring in the future, which in the end is really a good thing. actually, i believe it is the one thing that will help you meet the person you are going to end up with. girls can be out of control these days. most are like school on saturdays...NO CLASS caring to much is what makes it suck. if you don't care then you can't get hurt. the second part of the act is to start caring at the right time with the right person.