On our last membership upgrade at the Palace Resorts we recieved free rounds of golf. I don't golf but 2 19 year old golfers will be using the passes. Does anyone have any feedback on these two golf course choices? Thanks The rest of us will spend the day at the moon palace or playacar palace while they golf.
I've played both and Moon Palace is the better course in my opinion. You also have 27 holes at MP. The only downside is last June, the starter at MP had a burr up his rearend and was not very pleasant to deal with.
Cindy, Playacar is absolutely beautiful and more difficult than the Moon. The Moon courses are great too, but Playacar is fantastic. The only downside is the 45 minute drive south. DaveT
Dave, How is Playacar Palace? did you spend any time there? Since we have the free golf, some will stay behind and thought we may just hand out at the resort since we are members. Thanks