We were there the 1st week of April, and the guy that rented our carts told me to make sure we didnt drink while driving by the policia. He said just dont be elstupido. lol We've done it every time, but guess its time to be more careful. The only time we encountered the policia was when all 4 carts went down a long dirt road to take a whizz. Well, they followed us, and the looks they gave us while shaking their fingers at us let us know to go find a bathroom. lol
Hopefully you guys do the 6th so we can join you all. We are staying on Isla for 5 nights after our first 3 at TR. There was another thread about this situation. I use a solo cup or my mug and have had no issue's. Once in awhile the policia sets up some cones and will do a quick look. I think if they observe some rowdy behavior they may cause one some trouble. Hey I've been going to Isla for over 20 years and haven't been thrown in jail yet.
There are enuf little restaurents and bistros, and rest stops along the way to enjoy your beer. Don't let this ruin your day,, a smalll inconviance to enjoy the beauty of Isla .
:doh::banghead:http://facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=...&set=a.10152421094926223.1073741827.595891222 no more doing this http://facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=...152421094926223.1073741827.595891222&refid=13